Tami Hoag can certainly write a great "whodunnit"/thriller, and she proves it first with Deeper than the Dead and continues with the sequel Secrets to the Grave. She keeps the pages turning with twists in the plot and throws in new clues so that you keep changing who you think is the killer. The reader has a victory moment if at the end s/he can throw up her/his fists in triumph for figuring out whodunnit before it is revealed.
The characters are so well drawn that you feel like they are old friends--from Vince Leon (the veteran FBI profiler) to his new wife, Anne (a compassionate woman who loves children and Vince). But somehow this nice couple finds themselves once again personally involved in a murder investigation.
Secrets to the Grave finds Vince and the Oak Knoll police seeking the killer of the mother of a 4 year old who is also the victim of an attempted strangling by the same person. Follow them as they try to bring resolution to this horrible crime that takes place in an idyllic California town in 1986 before DNA played a role in finding criminals.
Can't wait for the third title in the Vince and Anne Leone series and I think you will feel the same. SH
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