How does the world's greatest superhero become the scourge of mankind, hell-bent on its destruction? We've probably all ready comics about what does on in a superhero's mind when face with doubt, made horrible mistakes, or are just plain burned-out with the daily grind of saving the world. Mark Waid takes this well beyond the limits of what most authors deemed safe territory, with this look at how an indestructible and unstoppable superhero goes bad by degrees.
Civilization was nearly destroyed over a century ago by the Big Wet, leaving a desert in its wake. Broken apart by religion, racism, and a need to survive, humanity is barely in a position to be considered humane. Wasteland is an eipc science fiction series that's part Dune, part Mad Max, and all fantastic read.
If you're a fan of zombie movies or(like me) just all things zombies, this short graphic novel will be right up your alley. The best way to describe it is mixing equal parts Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead, with the graphic style of Scott Pilgrim. Without giving too much away, it's a humorous story centered around three college students in Canada, one of whose obsession with the essential and immutable rules of zombie movies is going to keep them alive when a zombie outbreak suddenly occurs during finals week.
Lemire's collected Essex County Trilogy is a complex interweaving of two families in an out-of-the-way Canadian farmland. The story builds slowly, drawing together individuals while they're busy estranging themselves from the people who can help them the most. A highlight of recent Canadian cartooning, Lemire's book will be a standout in the genre for years to come.
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